Sunday, July 31, 2011

we've got bats in our belfry! errrr library!

Hi, friends!
Today when James was pulling more siding off the library he noticed a bat up on the ceiling! Can you see him?
This photo is from his phone, so it's not as zoomed in as I would like. When I went in with my camera he flew away. Sigh. Soooo Edward of him not to want attention.

More progress is being made getting the siding off this baby. We measured the building and it's 16X24, so about 284 square feet. Perfect size for all our books....and a bat or two....

Here are some photos of the progress:
who wants to help fill the dumpster?

I found this in the library today. hmmmmmm

Hunter is supervising

This is the little cement room. 

The red and white siding is the back of the library

Monday, July 25, 2011

remodeling will (re)commence in 4...3...2...1

Hello, friends! Remember us, the Wilsons who are building a home?! Well, we're back and ready for more remodel action. 
This is our library. Or, it will be. Right now it's a building that is crooked and needs the frame straightened out and to be re-sided before we do anything else to it. Last summer James and his friends worked on fixing the foundation, and that was the hard part. (hard to believe when you see the photo below.
Step one (or two, really) is to remove the siding. Here is where we are at so far:

The brick you see is a room that was once the fridge for our house. I want to turn that room into our office but James is against it. He suggested it be the room where paperback books are stored. (Since the whole building is the library). hahaha what a book snob! I'm against that. So, we're undecided. First things first though. Let the deconstruction begin!