so today we have spent the majority of the day (since 7am till now) working on the plumbing and then putting in the new floor in the laundry room. james has put in more than 10 new lines of pex plumbing. crawling around under the house, disconnecting the old pipes then putting the pex in. not. fun. ugh. but, now its done and we wont have to worry so much about pipes freezing this winter. even if they do, they wont break. pex is pretty cool stuff. i cant believe i just said that about plumbing materials. ive learned a LOT about plumbing the last few days, believe me. now i actually know what happens when you turn the tap on. kinda cool.
so then the floor in the laundry room
we went from this:

to this:

were heading over to jeff and lisas for dinner and s.h.o.w.e.r.s. im soooo looking forward to that. oh, and our daily stop at home depot. bought to much pex so have about $100 to return and then need to get some more valve thingys. (i said i understand how plumbing works, not what the names of the pieces are!)
james has really been doing so much work these last few days! he is soooo dirty. here is is testing out the new floor at the end of a long work day: