Monday, August 30, 2010

plumbing stuff

so today we realized....wait the me part of we realized.... that the plumbing stuff is going to take a lot longer than we...i mean i...thought. turns out it was not a simple thing to redo ALL THE PLUMBING in our tiny house. oh. so james and i have made several trips to home depot and puchased a million miles of pex (the new tubing stuff) and various clamps and valves and other boring things.
all i can say is that thank elvis james knows how to do all this plumbing stuff 'cause he is saving us a lot of dough by doing it all himself!

in other news, we do also have this awesome tub filler! we go it off craigslist last year for $200! the cheapest i can find it now is on amazon for $631. score one for the wilsons!
the higlight of the day was our morning break when ava and lisa came over and ava fed the chickens some lettuce, green beans and blueberries. turns out the ladies love blueberries! good times!

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