Sunday, September 12, 2010

the new (old) tub is in the house

lisa, jeff, and chris came over to help move the tub in. yes, it really take 5 people to move this thing.  
jeff and chris did the heavy lifting
today is the last day we have until we head back to work. it feels like the two weeks have flown by. i know weve done a lot but we still have much to do! the goal for the end of the day is to get the tub set up, the toilet back in and the sink in so that we have a functioning bathroom. fingers crossed!


  1. I don't see you in the bathroom here @ work so I'm guessing your bathroom is fully functioning, correct? Wink! :) It looks beautiful. You guys give me hope that I, too, can do this myself one day to my 2.5 bathrooms!

  2. wowwww! i love old tubs! well old everything pretty much. screw all that new crap. out with the new and in with that old! right on!! i think i'm guna have to steal your house one day! when you see it missing... call the cops lol!
