Soooooo i'm in the house and i hear james shout 'i'm hurt!" from out in the shop. uh. not what you want to hear. i run outside and james is coming up the driveway cradeling his left hand and there is a trail of blood. i run in the house, grab a towel and some keys, throw james in the car and head to mt hood medical center as fast as the countour could make it. we got right it, which i guess a big bleeding hand wound does for you. they finally got james some iv pain medication but he was still in a great deal of pain. here's what happened: he had the miter saw blade IN HIS HAND as he was adjusting it. he accidently TURNED THE SAW ON while the blade was still IN HIS HAND. so. ya. he sawed himself up. We were at the ER for about 5 hours, but 30 stiches and much pain medication later we found out he wouldn't have permanent damage. in fact, the hand specialist said that james was really lucky, and that when he operates he makes incisions exactly where james cut himself up. (well, probably a bit straighter). so, it was a wild sunday and thank elvis he will not lose any functionality in his hand. and now we have this 'fun' story about shop safety!
wow! that is some crazy stuff. soooo important to watch out. and as careful as i am on my equipment, i'm still thinking... be careful. i always have a fear of cuttin my finger off while on the band saw. hee hee. ouch! thank gawd for the good wifey and she helped bandage him up