Friday, October 22, 2010
moving forward
Sunday, September 12, 2010
the new (old) tub is in the house
jeff and chris did the heavy lifting |
Saturday, September 11, 2010
bits and pieces
here are some quick pictures from this morning. lisa, jeff, and chris are coming over in a little while to help us move the new (old) clawfoot tub in. yes, it will take at least 5 people. turns out cast iron tubs are freaking heavy!!
james post tile cutting. wet saws are a messy business, friends |
my feet and the new (old) clawfeet |
my coffee is actually not bigger than the walls. its just closer to the camera. |
Thursday, September 9, 2010
the walls are going up!
Monday, September 6, 2010
the floor is done...and is awesome!
here is how the floor turned out:
penny wants to help so now you want me to move the cheesecloth in circles?
a day of rest and then some grouting
the rest of the day was mellow. we went to case study for some delicious coffee and talked to chris about the joys of diy tiling. check out the bathrooms at case study on 53rd and sandy. chris did a great job on those!
i made some stuffed peppers and james worked on the floor trim. we had an early night!
this morning the plan was to put in the floor trim then tile the walls. then tomorrow grout the whole thing. but then james realized we have to grout the floor before we can put in the floor trim. oh. rude. so. change of plans. we will now grout the floor today then tomorrow (it has to cure for 16 hours) we will put in the trim and tile the walls. we will also bring in the toilet (hurray!) and the tub so we can figure out where it will sit. james has to drill for the drain and the tub filler. so, a little bit of a delay but we will press on. progress!
james mixing up the grout |
mmmmmmm grout |
Sunday, September 5, 2010
the new floor is in!
laying the tile. nobody puts baby...errr, a corner!
and ta-da!
it wasnt a 'fun' project, im not gonna lie. but it looks fantastic! we will grout it tomorrow. today we lay out the wall tile. gulp.
if you asked me what tips i have for you on tiling your own floor id say "after you mix your thinset wait 10 minutes and mix it again before you use it. it will go on like yogurt not nugat if you do that. mmm nugat is good, though ive never seen it in anything other than a snickers bar". and also "dont worry about 'perfection'. life isnt perfict. if your gaps are a little bigger over here than over there dont fret! get a little area rug or just learn to love the uniqueness of your handiwork. no one else in the world has a floor like that!"
we finished at 3am this morning. after a big nap and breakfast we will start the walls. then grout both tomorrow then seal them both tuesday. then tuesday night i soak in my new (old) tub and enjoy the sweet view of my new bathroom!!!
how cute is this photo? i love how rue mcclanahan is leaving the shot. (and the bathroom)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
the curtains were hung by the water heater with care
floor tiles comin' down. layin' down? anyway, being put on the floor
ok! so. yesterday we had a bit of a hick up. james was preparing the floor for the tiles (puting the hardybacker stuff down) and came across some f.a.n.t.a.s.t.i.c floor rot. beautiful stuff. so. he spent the day under the house repairing and reinforcing the floor. the good news is we wont fall through!
so, now, today back on track and we are just minutes away from laying the floor tiles. woot.
see, hunter and penny are like 'where do we start'. little helpers!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
laundry room (done)
and here is the where the washer/dryer lives
this is the fabric im going to make curtains with. (you can see the curtain rod in the photo with the hot water heater.
laundry room so close to completion!
so today has been productive! i waxed the new floor in the laundry room. i stained and waxed the trim pieces then james hung them up. the room is really coming together!
james finished the plumbing (YAAA HOOO). turns out re-plumbing your whole house, even when its tiny like ours is a big deal. but now its done and we can move on!
this is what some of the plumbing looks like. red for hot water lines and blue for cold!
we are now going to put back in the hot water heater (in front of those plumbing lines, as two of them attach to the heater) and the washer and dryer. then the oly things left are i need to make a curtain to cover those pipes (i dont want to put the fabric tiles over them) and then need to paint the windowsills brown and james needs to add the windowsill trim. (then i need to paint those too). we will wait until the bathroom is in working order for those pieces!
then we will remove the tub and toilet from the bathroom and prep the floor for tile and then lay out how we want them. then tomorrow morning we begin the floor tile!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
new plumbing, new floor
so then the floor in the laundry room
we went from this:
to this:
were heading over to jeff and lisas for dinner and s.h.o.w.e.r.s. im soooo looking forward to that. oh, and our daily stop at home depot. bought to much pex so have about $100 to return and then need to get some more valve thingys. (i said i understand how plumbing works, not what the names of the pieces are!)
james has really been doing so much work these last few days! he is soooo dirty. here is is testing out the new floor at the end of a long work day:
Monday, August 30, 2010
plumbing stuff
in other news, we do also have this awesome tub filler! we go it off craigslist last year for $200! the cheapest i can find it now is on amazon for $631. score one for the wilsons!