Monday, September 6, 2010

the floor is done...and is awesome!

whew. the floor is done and it looks so great! the grout really changed how the floor looked. we used 'snow white' color grout, which is not quite bright white. tomorrow we tile the walls. honestly, we are dreading it cause we think it will be hard! we had planned to return to work tomorrow but now are taking this week of as well so we can finish everything.

here is how the floor turned out:
penny wants to help

so now  you want me to move the cheesecloth in circles?

and here it is!

1 comment:

  1. for realio! that is like the most cool tile eva! i'm so in love with it. it's such a throwback ya know! totally from a old timey home. great choice!!
    kme (aka: anonymous lol)
