Wednesday, February 20, 2013

getting electrified

James made a lot of progress in getting bootsy star set up for power. The outlets are all in- so we just need the power box and then to hook it up to actual power. There are technical names for these steps but Elvis knows I don't know what they are! Oh.

James loves when I shove a camera in his work


and after!
power on the north wall
For Christmas James bought me this cool switch plate cover. It is functional, yet also symbolic of his commitment to building bootsy star. Awwww sweetest! 
merry christmas, foxy!
these high up ones are for my overhead lights
power box thingy

 i found this on the looks cool

tools (including coffee) needed to make power happen
Now that the outlets are all in place I needed to get going on finishing the insulation. I worked on that today while I finished my latest audiobook (the heart is a lonely hunter).

looks warm, no?

pink insulation- pink grapefruit drink. ya, on purpose

boom. bootsy is insulated!
Before I rolled the last (strip?) of insulation in, I wanted to leave a note of gratitude for my friends and James for the help. The BEST part of this is that I spelled 'gratitude' wrong. I LOVE that for all time my terrible spelling will be a part of my shop. Oh well. My heart really was so full I just had to add an extra t. That is how grateful I am. Seriously though. I am very thankful for the help of friends and, of course, for James for doing so much work. I will always think of m community when I craft away in there.  ...and maybe take some spelling lessons.....

In other news, I am working on the ceiling tiles. I making them out of burlap. They are coming along very well!
burlap, batting, plywood, glue. boom

i'm using james table saw table as a table. table. 

here is what they look like finished. cool, huh?
Today as I was working inside Penny was running around the property doing Elvis knows what. This is what she looked like as she did her mid-day check in:
"is there something on my face?"

That's where I'm at. We (well, the me part of we) is still hoping I can begin move in by March 1st. There will still be much to do, like window trim indoor and out, a step and paint- but I should be able to get in there and start crafting within the next few weeks. Soooo excited!

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