Monday, April 8, 2013

confetti floor? yes, please!

You, dear reader, may already know this about me: I hate to clean floors. Loathe that chore. My plan for bootsy star is to never clean the floor. Ha. Ok, I know I will have to sweep it every now and then. I wanted to be sure the floor didn't look dirty...even if it is! I have been going back and forth on what do do for the floor. I picked up some floor paint today and found this really cool confetti/glitter stuff. You just throw it up in the air over wet paint and it dries into the floor. What the awesome? I bought two bags and starting tossing!

Here is what I started with. It's the plywood floor. James wanted me to put another type of flooring over it, but I like the plywood look so I kept it. The blue tape on the walls is to mark where the studs are so I know where I can hang up my heavy stuff.
After the floor dries you sweep up the stuff that didn't dry into the floor and you end up with a nicely distributed confetti/glittery floor. How fun can a floor get, for real?
this is the confetti stuff

close up of the confetti

can we just call it funfetti?

nearly done

ohhhhh so fun!

you wont even notice the messy floor later!

i love how it turned out

Tomorrow I can sweep up the floor and then that's it...bootsy star has a floor.
Next weekend we will do the trim around the windows, floor and ceiling. I picked up this cool greenish paint for the trim and James came up with the idea to wrap a dowel in burlap for around the ceiling. Genius!
So close to move in time. SO CLOSE!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

bootsy star has a ceiling

It was a big today for bootsy star, friends! James and I put up the ceiling. It looks so cool! We just have to put in the trim for and put on the electrical outlet covers and I should be ready to move in. SO EXCITING!!!

I think you all remember (maybe you journaled about it?) that I made some burlap tiles for the ceiling. I wanted something unique and cool, like me. I really like how they turned out!

We start with a triple measure

First tile going up

Yep...that's the first one...going up

Two down....10 to go!

Is the burlap tile cool or what?
 We put in the insulation as we put up each row of burlap tiles. I had originally cut them to 11.5.....but it turns out we need a full 12. We went to Home Depot and picked up more insulation and recut it, so ended up able to pretty much double layer all of the insulation up in the attic. It will be one temperate crafty shop, lemmetellya! that a bat?

No, no. it was just a shadow.....

One row down...I mean up!

Just about half way done now

Moving right along
We had a rare visit from Hunter today. Mostly it was because it was raining outside and he didn't want to get wet so he came inside to supervise the work.
Hunter and Penny plot to get James attention

Hunter "Hey James, I think there is a bat over here"
Penny "hehehehehehe"
James "What? Let me see....."

Hunter "Jenn! It worked! He's coming!"
Penny "Can I climb this ladder?"

Hunter "Thanks for the love, James"
Penny "I hate when he gets any attention"
This seems slightly unsafe......

Here it is, complete!

These colors look good together, right? (Those are the shelves)

Let's see this thing again!

Oh, and we put up the lights!

Friday, March 29, 2013

the walls are going up....but not in my heart, just my shop

The spring weather is starting to yeah for that! Last Saturday Jen and Lauren came over to help us get started on putting up the walls. I chose the bead board look, and liked this simple pieces. James looked at them and said "you know this is the stuff cardboard is made out of...right?". And I responded "oh. cool! I feel like I'm recycling!" He sighed. He doesn't enjoy working with cheap materials, but, hey I liked this look and it seemed like it would be simple to put up! We got a wall and a half done and then this evening James and I got another wall done.

This is the baseboard. obviously.

these are the walls! i love them...james hates them

jen helping finish the burlap tiles for the ceiling

nate and penny begin an afternoon of fun

james and jen getting the first piece up

i think its cute...their height difference

lauren wants a chance at helping

now the dude is like 8 feet tall

nate and penny and jen

nate guards the next piece of wall

james and lauren= best team ever

a son and his mother

lauren, jen and james putting up another wall piece

james putting in...another wall!
cutting off the top
we are starting to lose 7:00pm!

i feel like this is a very artistic photo
cutting out the power outlet box hole
almost done with another wall!
In other news, I went to the Salvation Army today and picked up this little spice rack for $1.99. I'll use it to hold glitter, of course 

Last summer at Plucky Maidens  I found this tool box for a few bucks. I will use it for...errr...something cool.

 I also found this little metal cart at Salvation Army today. It is vintage, and set me back $25.00. It even has a little extension cord plug on it so I can power something up on it. I am in love with this cart. James thinks I paid too much.
so cool!
It was such a lovely evening that I had to let the girls out to hunt for bugs and worms. They are back to laying and the more bugs and grass they eat the more awesome the eggs. Truly.
guess what? chicken butt!!

the girls and their coop
 I have a lot of gratitude that this is the view from our front yard. The view here is just stunning and is worth the 30 minute drive to good coffee.