Saturday, December 8, 2012

half a side of siding...take two

Today the plan was to take the day off. We both have some work to get done and some holiday surprises to plan. We did go to Home Depot this morning to look at miter saws. James hasn't bought one yet (since last night!), much to my chagrin.
After breakfast it still hadn't started to downpour so we decided to head out and work on the North wall for siding. This is because we don't need miter cuts, so the 10" saw is just great.

We got about half way done before the rain and cold forced us indoors.

boots on the ground

please note the ever present Penny

the north wall 

These are the different lengths of wood we need

Hunter looks soooo pleased to be outside

just for two minutes the sun tried to break through

This calking is on most of the wood. argh!

And this is as far as we could get

See how the tarp is full of water at the bottom? proceed with caution
While we weren't able to finish the wall it was still nice to be able to get something done....especially since it was a 'day off'. The weather forecast still says no rain for tomorrow (or next week) so the plan is to work on the roof tomorrow. Fingers crossed! I have some errands to run this afternoon and I think I'll include Miller Paint in my plans so I can start looking at exterior paint.

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