Sunday, December 30, 2012

the roof, the roof, the roof is on.....bootsy star

Wow! What a difference a day makes!
Today was just as cold as yesterday- and also just as clear. It was really nice to see the sun up there, even if we couldn't feel much heat from it.

Jenn came over and her and I got started filling more of the nail holes while James finished up on the tip top of the East eave.

East eave is done and the sun is shining down on us

Hunter always enjoys Jen's visits...and Penny is always jealous
 We started out with the roofing on the South side of bootsy star. First step: getting the metal up to the roof.
James and Jen hauling (metal)

James checking to make sure the metal is straight

...and checking again from another angle

Penny supervises Jen on putty duty
 Jen came in to put the second coat of paint on one of the doors. The color is a really dark gray. Then she headed out to bootsy star to bleach the other door and paint it. There was about a 40 degree difference between inside and outside!
These doors will look really great when they are done

Blurry hand bleach action (and nice view out my window!)
 We had our (usual) shift change in the afternoon. Lauren (and Nate) came over and Jen headed home. Lauren is not afraid to just climb right up that scaffolding, so James gets A LOT more done when she is around. ahem.
Hunter watches as Penny and Nate sniff it out

Jen paints first coat on the second door
James and Lauren headed over to the North side of the shop to put up roofing. James is showing of his strength for Lauren- who is obviously impressed.
James and Lauren...the dream team

James and Lauren consulting on where to put the next screw

James trusts Lauren to handle the metal

Lauren: "cheeeeeese!" James: "is she still on with that camera?"
 Nate and Penny enjoyed running around the property and playing tag. And hide and seek. And 'what is it? I dunno, let's eat it!'
dog fight!....not really

Almost done!
I had to make a home depot trip for more of the roofing screws and this was the view on  my way home. It's really so lovely to see this every day, let me tell you.
The view from about a .75 miles from my house

Adding the tippy top thing

Ladder adjustment is an art form

Boom! we have a roof!
It was so awesome to finish the siding and get the roof up. I LOVE how the it turned out. It was great to see Jen and Lauren and to have their help. They bring not only hands to help but they both have such positive energy and really lift James and I up when we want to just set the whole thing on fire. xx 

The plan for next weekend is to get the french doors installed so we can keep the inside dry and then start in on the ceiling. bootsy star is more than half way done!

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